The ‘Ndocciata in Agnone – a Christmas bonfire

On December the 8th (celebration of the Immacolata concezione) and the 24th (day before Christmas), in keeping with a beautiful Christmas tradition, the ‘Ndocciata will light up the streets of Agnone, a beautiful town in the province of Isernia, Molise.
The ‘ndocce are torches, up to four meter tall, made with spruce wood. They are tied tightly at the base, and then gradually flare out with dry Scotch broom branches inserted in them, in order to make them thicker and more flammable. They are joined in the shape of fans with boards or poles, always in even numbers so the load is balanced. Some ‘ndocce have as many as eighteen elements.

The street turns into a gigantic fire river. The procession also includes large floats where scenes of country life are represented. At the end, the stumps of the ‘ndocce are burnt in a giant bonfire.
Don’t miss this appointment!

For more information, follow this link.

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